Note: The eKC eLearning server is currently undergoing maintenance. It is anticipated that the eLearning will be unavailable for approximately 2 weeks while waiting for replacement parts. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Certification Program: Our CKM/CKEE Certification Training Program is developed to meet best practice guidelines and to provide a thorough understanding of Knowledge Management concepts and application.
KM Workshops: The eKC continues to recommend the KMPro face-to-face workshop for the opportunity it provides to meet with an experienced KM instructor, to develop networking relationships with other KM professionals, and to facilitate tacit knowledge transfer.
Knowledge and Innovation Management
 eKC established 1999
The eKC offers the most practical, comprehensive, cost effective and intense KM Professional Development training program available worldwide - setting the standard for Knowledge and Innovation Management education and training since 1999. We provide online training with our online workshop (eLearning only) or online training with our partner program face-to-face workshop.
The eKnowledgeCenter provides online training with face-to-face and/or an online workshop preparing our participants to pass the CKM/CKEE Certification exam. Since 1999 the eKC has provided training to more than 3500 individuals in governmental and non-governmental organizations worldwide (See below).
"We not only teach you how to manage a KM project, we teach you how to create and improve a new business process? we teach a detailed hands on methodology".
Our Clients Include: Xerox, Anteon, IBM, US Navy, South African Government, New Zealand, Cisco, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Intel, US Department of Defense, Qualcomm, US Army, LexisNexis, Pfizer, SAP, Accenture, Protiviti, KPMG, McGuireWoods, EDS, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Compaq, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Ernst and Young, World Bank, Cubic Corp, Sprint Nextel, United Nations and Many Others.